2020. 1. 30. 21:24ㆍ카테고리 없음
This Thread Is Pointless. Kgo kgp kgq kgr kgs kgt kgu kgv kgw kgx kgy kgz kha khb khc khd khe khf khg khh khi khj khk khl khm khn kho khp khq khr khs kht khu khv khw khx khy khz kia kib kic kid kie kif kig kih kii kij kik kil kim kin kio kip kiq kir kis kit kiu kiv kiw kix kiy kiz kja kjb kjc kjd kje kjf kjg kjh kji kjj kjk kjl kjm kjn kjo.
All distributions within the list below are all the latest versions of the respective distributions. All distributions listed have no PASS report attributed to them, but may have a failue report (FAIL, NA, UNKNOWN). There is a 28 day grace period for all distributions, from the time they were released to PAUSE, until a report is submitted for them. All the distribution versions below have not received any reports, and exceed this 28 day grace period. Reasons why distribution may appear in this list can be many, below are just a few:.
Last Ned Krs Khs Programvare For Mac Os
Distribution requires a C (or other language) library that is not installed. Distribution prompts for user input, with no suitable default, and loops. Distribution fails to run an external command (with incorrect options?). Distribution tests hang (possibly due to undefined environment variables).
Distribution appears on tester's ignore lists (possibly for one of the above reasons). Dependency of distribution always fails tests or itself is in this list. Check If you have been added to an ignore list, you can check those of some common testers.
Last Ned Krs Khs Programvare For Mac Os X
If you resolve any issues, which may have resulted in your distribution being added to an ignore list, please post to the mailing list.