2020. 1. 23. 02:35ㆍ카테고리 없음
.Kurniawan, Rendi; pinem, Mukhtar iskandar; lisnawita, lisnawita2017-01-01Penggunaan mikroorganisme antagonis merupakan salah satu alternatif pencegahan penyakit busuk pangkal batang yang disebabkan oleh Ganodermaspp. Pada perkebunan kelapa sawit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan cendawan endofit asal tanaman kelapa sawit yang berpotensi sebagai agens biokontroluntuk mengendalikan Ganodermapadapembibitan kelapa sawit. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Rumah Kaca Fakultas Pertanian USU pada Juni 2015 sampai Januari 2016 menggunakanRancanganAcakKelompoknon faktori.Juanda, Chriso200301129 Chriso Juanda,?Penambahan Sabut Kelapa Pada Media Tanam Dan Frekuensi Penyiraman Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Di Main Nursey?, dibawah bimbingan Charloq dan Revandy I.M.
- Budidaya Tanaman Kelapa (cocos Nucifera Ppt Presentation
- Budidaya Tanaman Tomat
- Budidaya Tanaman Cabai
Cocos nucifera Arecaceae L. Coconut ECOLOGY C. Nucifera is unknown in the wild state. In the coastal areas of the tropics and subtropics where it is grown, it requires a hot, moist climate and deep alluvial or loamy soil, thriving especially near the seaboard, but also considerable distance inland, provided climatic conditions and soil are. Tanaman Kelapa (Cocos nucifera lin) Salah satu sumber bahan alam Indonesia yang sangat melimpah adalah kelapa. Indonesia memiliki lahan tanaman kelapa terluas di dunia yaitu sekitar 3,712 juta hektar. Penelitian yang berkaitan dengan pemanfaatan buah kelapa memang sudah banyak dilakukan, misalnya pem.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon penambahan sabut kelapa pada media tanam dan frekuensi penyiraman terhadap pertumbuhan bibit kelapa sawit di main nursery. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari 2017 hingga Maret 2017 di PPKS Aek Pancur, Kecamat.Nasruddin2012-01-01Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari proses delignifikasi lignin dari tandan kosong kelapa sawit untuk masing-masing perlakuan dengan berat 500 g dengan larutan NaOH pada konsentrasi 2%; 4%; 6%; dan 8%. Proses delignifikasi berlangsung pada temperatur uap panas dari proses sterilisasi dengan autoclave selama 50 menit; 75 menit; 100 menit; dan 125 menit.
Budidaya Tanaman Kelapa (cocos Nucifera Ppt Presentation
Hasil delignifikasi tandan kosong kelapa sawit dicuci dengan air pH 6 – 6,5. Setelah dicuci ditiriskan di atas kawat kasa selama 60 men.- Sudradjat2015-09-01Full Text Available Kelapa sawit merupakan komoditi perkebunan utama karena sebagai sumber devisa negara dan menyediakan lapangan kerja. Indonesia adalah negara produsen terbesar kelapa sawit di dunia dengan luas areal mencapai 10.1 juta hektar. Peningkatan produktivitas dicapai dengan intensifikasi antara lain dengan melakukan rasionalisasi pemupkan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan dosis optimum pupuk dolomit pada tanaman kelapa sawit belum menghasilkan umur satu tahun. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kebun Pendidikan dan Penelitian Kelapa Sawit IPB-Cargill, Jonggol, Bogor dari bulan Maret 2013 sampai Maret 2014. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Faktorial Tunggal, dosis pupuk dolomit, yang disusun dalam lingkungan Acak Kelompok dengan tiga ulangan. Dosis pupuk dolomit yang diuji terdiri atas 0, 200, 400, dan 600 g tanaman-1 tahun-1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pupuk dolomit meningkatkan secara nyata terhadap peubah tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, jumlah daun, dan kandungan khlorofil daun, namun tidak berpengaruh terhadap kandungan Mg dalam jaringan daun. Berdasarkan tanggap peubah tinggi tanaman, dosis optimum pupuk dolomit untuk tanaman kelapa sawit pada umur satu tahun adalah 306.4 g dolomit tanaman-1tahun -1. Kata kunci: dolomit, dosis optimum, kelapa sawit, respons fisiologi, respons morfologi.Mien KMS Mahmud2012-11-01Full Text Available Kadar kolesterol dan trigliserida darah merupakan salah satu indikator yang dapat digunakan untuk mendiagnosa kemungkinan adanya gangguan jantung atherosklerosis.
Kadar lipida darah mempunyai korelasi yang tinggi dengan jenis lemak atau minyak yang dikonsumsi setiap hari, karena komposisi asam lemak pada setiap jenis minyak berbeda. Tempe telah lama digemari masyarakat Indonesia dan telah diketahui bermanfaat bagi kesehatan. Penelitian yang dilaporkan melalui makalah ini bertujuan mempelajari peluang kejadian penyakit atherosklerosis pada pada kelinci dengan pola konsumsi minyak makan asal kelapa sawit, minyak kedelai, minyak asal lemak babi atau minyak babi dicampur tempe.
Kelinci percobaan dewasa yang sehat dikelompokkan berdasarkan kadar hemoglobin darah antara 8.2-13.6 g/dl menjadi lima kelompok percobaan. Satu kelompok sebagai kontrol diberi ronsum standar terdiri dari pelet, kangkung dan ubi merah secara adlibitum.
Empat kelompok lainnya, disamping ransum standar juga diberi 2 ml minyak babi atau minyak kedelai atau minyak kelapa sawit atau minyak babi yang ditambahkan 5 gram tempe bubuk, sehari. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap kadar kolesterol total, LDL, HDL dan trigliserido darah.
Dilakukan pula pemeriksaan histopatologi pada jaringan pembuluh darah jantung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minyak babi menyebabkan kenaikan kadar kolesterol total, LDL, HDL dan trigliserida didalam darah sebanyak masing-masing berturut-tuut 60%, 89%, 52% dan 42%. Minyak kelapa sawit menaikan kadar kolesterol total 15%, menurunkan kadar LDL 21%, menaikan kadar HDL 24% dan menurunkan kadar trigliserida 14%. Minyak kedelai menurunkan kolesterol total sebanyak 10%, LDL 30%, trigliserida 24% seraya menaikan kadar HDL sebanyak 3%. Penambahan tempe ke dalam minyak babi dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol total 10%, LDL 44%, trigliserida 28% dan memelihara kadar HDL lebih tinggi dari sebelum perlakuan. Hasil pemeriksaan histopatologi menunjukkan bahwa pemberian.Muhammad Fadhillah2016-05-01Full Text Available Dampak dari pencemaran air dapat menyebabkan terjadinya ketidakseimbangan ekosistem dan dapat sebagai pembawa penyakit menular. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penjernihan terhadap air sebelum digunakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas air. Salah satu yang dapat digunakan untuk penjernihan air adalah arang aktif cangkang kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: Untuk mengetahui efektifitas penambahan arang aktif cangkang kelapa sawit dalam proses filtrasi terhadap karakter fisik (kekeruhan, Ph, bau dan rasa air sumur. Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimen dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL. Filtrasi air sumur dilakukan dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan yaitu: 1. Tanpa melewati saringan pasir (kontrol, 2. Melewati saringan pasir tanpa arang aktif cangkang kelapa sawit, 3. Melewati saringan pasir dengan penambahan arang aktif cangkang kelapa sawit dengan ketebalan 10 cm, dan 4. Ketebalan 15 cm.
One way ANOVA digunakan dalam analisis data. Analisa kekeruhan adalah 100,0; 50,5; 40,4; dan 47,5 berturut-turut untuk kontrol, tanpa arang aktif, dengan arang aktif 10 cm dan dengan arang aktif 15 cm. Hasil uji menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna antara kekeruhan air kontrol dengan kekeruhan dari perlakuan lainnya. PH air 0.05 from those of the juveniles fed on the diets with 2 and 4 g of A.
Niger/kg palm oil cake, those of juveniles the fed diet with 8 g of A. Niger/kg palm oil cake were significantly higher (P.Maya Yusida2017-09-01Full Text Available Land suitability is the suitability of a plot of land for a particular use. In the determination of appropriate plant recommendations on land, the Banjarbaru Swampland Food Crops Research Institute sets out 8 criteria in its assessment. These criteria include Soil Depth (cm, CEC Soil (cmol, Saturation Bases (%, pH (H2O, C-Organic (%, N Total (%, P2O5 (mg / 100g, K2O (mg / 100g. Making this expert system using Fuzzy Tsukamoto method. The results obtained from this expert system in the form of data on land suitability for rubber and palm oil plantations that are prioritized to be planted in a field based on the growing requirements of a plant. Keywords: Expert System, Land Suitability, Fuzzy Tsukamoto Kesesuaian lahan adalah kecocokan sebidang lahan untuk penggunaan tertentu.
Dalam penentuan rekomendasi tanaman yang sesuai terhadap lahan, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Lahan Rawa Banjarbaru menetapkan 8 kriteria dalam penilaiannya. Kriteria tersebut meliputi Kedalaman Tanah (cm, KTK Tanah (cmol, Kejenuhan Basa (%, pH (H2O, C-Organik (%, N Total (%, P2O5 (mg/100g, K2O (mg/100g. Pembuatan sistem pakar ini menggunakan metode Fuzzy Tsukamoto. Hasil yang didapat dari sistem pakar ini berupa data tingkat kesesuaian lahan untuk tanaman karet dan kelapa sawit yang lebih diprioritaskan untuk ditanam disuatu lahan berdasarkan syarat tumbuh suatu tanaman. Kata Kunci: Sistem Pakar, Kesesuaian Lahan, Fuzzy Tsukamoto.Nasruddin Nasruddin2013-06-01Full Text Available This research aims to study the performance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in glucose engineering into bioethanol.
Glucose comes from palm oil empty fruit bunches that had been pretreated by delignification and fermentation. Glucose solution result from hydrolysis for each treatment of 500 ml was fermented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae (2, 4, 6 and 8 g, fermentation time (4, 6, 8 and 10 days. Result of fermentation was distilled at 75°C ± 5°C for 60 minutes. Bioethanol produced were tested including: specific gravity by using picnometer and acidity was tested by volumetric methods.
The analysis showed that the best bioethanol produced in this experiment, followed by laboratory tests obtained from the interaction between treatments for time of hydrolysis by Aspergillus niger for 6 days, with 4 grams of Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation for 6 days. Based on the test results of bioethanol obtained density 0.9873 g/cm3, percentage of bioethanol 9.2889% (v/v and acid number value 1.820 mg/L.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajarai kinerja Saccharomyces cerevisiae merekayasa glukosa menjadi bioetanol. Glukosa berasal dari tandan kosong kelapa sawit yang telah dilakukan pretreatment dengan cara delignifikasi dan fermentasi. Larutan glukosa hasil hidrolisis untuk masing-masing perlakuan sebanyak 500 mL difermentasi dengan S. Cerevisiae (2; 4; 6 dan 8 g, waktu fermentasi (4; 6; 8 dan 10 hari.
Hasil fermentasi didestilasi pada suhu 75oC ± 5oC selama 60 menit. Bioetanol yang dihasilkan diuji yang meliputi: berat jenis dengan mengunakan piknometer dan keasaman diuji dengan metode volumetri. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bioetanol yang terbaik berdasarkan hasil percobaan yang dilanjutkan dengan uji laboratorium didapatkan dari interaksi antar perlakuan untuk waktu hidrolisis dengan Aspergilus niger selama 6 hari, fermentasi dengan 4 gram Saccharomyces cerevisiae selama 6 hari. Berdasarkan hasil uji bioetanol untuk berat jenis 0,9873 g/cm3.Diana Ulfah2018-01-01Full Text Available This research aims to find out the effect of formic acid mixture with palm oil shell smoke to rubber agglomeration in terms of odor and latex freezing rate, to know the optimum concentration of formic acid mixing with palm oil shell liquid, to optimize the use of liquid smoke of palm shell in order to minimize the use of formic acid and to compare the quick-frozen time of mixed coagulant ingredients using coconut shell liquid cocoa coagulant in latex clotting process. The research procedure is that the latex is inserted into some baking sheet and each of the pans is mixed with coagulant formic acid and palm oil shell liquid with the concentration of ants acid 2.5%, 5%, 7,5%, 10%, 12,5% 15%, 100% and liquid smoke concentration 70%, 755, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 100% 10 ml. The research parameters are the odor and level of latex freezing in rubber clotting process.
The results show that mixing of formic acid coagulant material with liquid smoke of palm shell can accelerate the process of clotting latex (equivalent to acid ant, deodorizer that disturbs the society and time; and cost makes efficient and minimizes the use of formic acid. The optimum concentration of mixed coagulant material is 15% formic acid concentration + 70% palm oil shell liquid with average fast freeze time 5-6 minutes latex perliter or equivalent with coagulant material from formic acid. Keywords: formic acid; liquid smoke; palm shell; latex Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh campuran asam semut dengan asap cair cangkang kelapa sawit terhadap penggumpalan karet dari segi bau dan kecepatan beku lateks, mengetahui konsentrasi optimum pencampuran asam semut dengan asap cair cangkang kelapa sawit, mengoptimalkan penggunaan asap cair cangkang kelapa sawit sehingga meminimalkan penggunaan asam semut dan membandingkan waktu cepat beku penggunaan bahan koagulan campuran dengan bahan koagulan asap cair tempurung kelapa dalam proses penggumpalan lateks. Prosedur.A Ardinal2017-12-01Full Text Available Synthesis of ethoxy lignosulfonic acid as a surfactant from a waste of palm oil empty fruit bunch was aimed to isolate lignin, studying the ethylation of the lignin and sulfonation of the alkyl lignin to produce ethoxy lignosulfonic acid moreover to investigate its activity as the surfactant. At first, lignin was isolated from the waste of palm oil empty fruit bunch by sulfate method, then lignin was alkylated with diethylsulfate (DES, and the resulted ethoxy lignin was sulfonated using sodium bisulfite. Each product was characterized by FT-IR and the success of the sulfonation was proven by SEM-EDX. Surfactant test properties included: determination of critical micelle concentration (CMC with turbidimetry method, foam stability, emulsions index and emulsion stability.
Lignin isolation gave lignin as light brown solid in 27.8% yield. Alkylation reaction of lignin with diethyl sulfate produced ethoxy lignin in 83.0% yield. Sulfonation of ethoxy lignin using sodium bisulfite afforded ethoxy lignosulfonic acid in 88.5% yield. It was known that there was a significant increase in oxygen percentage at the sulfonation process. Ethoxy lignosulfonic acid as the surfactant has CMC of 1.6 g/L, the surfactant concentration of 1.5 g/L gave stable foam for 100 minutes, the surfactant has an emulsion index of 35% in a gasoline-water system and 56% in the cooking oil-water system. The emulsion on both systems was stable for four days of measurement.ABSTRAKSintesis asam etoksi lignosulfonat sebagai surfaktan dari limbah tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS dilakukan dengan tujuan mengisolasi lignin dari TKKS, mempelajari etilasi terhadap lignin dan sulfonasi terhadap etoksi lignin untuk menghasilkan asam etoksi lignosulfonat serta uji aktifitasnya sebagai surfaktan.
Lignin diisolasi dari TKKS dengan metode sulfat, lalu dialkilasi dengan dietil sulfat (DES dan disulfonasi dengan natrium bisulfit. Tiap produk dikarakterisasi dengan FT-IR dan untuk mengetahui.Junaidi Junaidi2016-06-01Full Text Available The purpose of this research was to design shredded oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB fiber extractor machine, to conduct technical evaluation on the machine performance, and to conduct fiber chemical analysis. This prototype is expected to increase added value on EFB waste as it is not maximally utilized.
The machine must be both technically and economically feasible to be applied in particle board industry to produce oil palm empty fruit bunch fiber. Based on its design, the machine has ± 200 kg/hours capacity and 5 HP motor. The evaluation of machine performance on 600 RPM and 900 RPM rotations resulted on similar numbers of fiber and mixed fiber percentage.
From 10 shredded EFB extracted, 7.6 kg (76% clean fiber, 2.05 kg (20% mixed fiber, and 1.35 kg ash were obtained. Three times extracting process on 600 RPM rotation resulted on fiber percentage based on its length as follows: 4.6% long fiber (10 cm, 32.3% medium fiber (5-10 cm, and 61.4% short fiber (2-4 cm. Meanwhile, the percentages on 900 RPM rotation were 0% of long fiber, 22.37% of medium fiber, and short fiber of 77.3%. There were five types of composition of extracted fiber level; 1 clean fiber on 600 RPM, 2 clean fiber on 900 RPM, 3 mixed fiber (medium fiber 2-3 cm + petal, 4 mixed fiber (short fiber.H Joni2017-08-01Full Text Available Land procurement is every activity to get land by movement right of land or by transfer of right of land bycompensation to the deserved one.
In land procurement process for palm oil garden, first thing to do is to observethe available land, whether is State land, Land of Right or Land Right Management. Oil Palms Corporation is theone who get land is has to observe the land claim rules in which provided by National Land Law, which is thelocation and available land status. In term land procurement, sometimes it will be facing problem. Indigenouspeople is still to release their right of land because they are already emotionally binding with the land.
Becausethey are certain that the land has power so it can not be released. Besides of that, all of people activities is centeredon the land, such as farming, gardening, indigenous or religious activity. The point is, land is unseparatable partfrom all daily activities, not only land has emotional bind (religious-magic with the people, but also with waterand forest. Because of that land procurement for oil palm has to observe land rights that already attached to theland that possessed by indigenous people. After land possession is appropriate by the Location Permit, Corporationcan propose Right of Business to National Land Institution with terms applied.Aan Eddy Antana2016-04-01Full Text Available ABSTRAKKeanekaragaman produk kerajinan tempurung kelapa menuntut diciptakannya peralatan-peralatan khusus untuk proses produksinya.
Penggunaan pemotong gergaji tunggal untuk membuat bahan baku tas tempurung kelapa berbentuk bujur sangkar dirasakan masih kurang optimal. Satu kali proses potong hanya mampu menghasilkan satu sisi pemotongan.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menciptakan pemotong tempurung kelapa gergaji ganda untuk pembuatan bahan baku berbentuk persegi. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Alih Teknologi dan Inkubasi, Balai Besar Kerajinan dan Batik, Yogyakarta. Metode yang dilakukan yaitu survei lapangan dan literatur, perancangan desain, pemilihan dan pengadaan bahan, pembuatan, ujicoba, finishing, evaluasi dan pembahasan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan mesin pemotong tempurung kelapa gergaji ganda dengan spesifikasi: penggerak motor listrik 1 phase, 220 V, 1/2 HP, 2800 rpm, panjang 60 cm, lebar 40 cm, tinggi 77 cm, berat 36 kg, kapasitas 150 potongan/jam. Kata kunci: pemotong, tempurung kelapa, gergaji ganda ABSTRACKDiversity of coconut shell craft product requires the creation of special equipment for the production process. The use of a single saws cutters to make the raw material coconut shell is still less than optimal. One time cuts only able to produce one side of the deductions for coconut shell.
The purpose of this research is to create a double saws cutting coconut shell to make raw material square. The study was conducted at Technology Transfer and Incubation Laboratory, Center for Craft and Batik, Yogyakarta. The method are literature and field surveys, designing, selection and procurement of materials, manufacture, testing, finishing, evaluation and discussion. The research produced double saws coconut shell cutting with the following specifications: engine electric motor 1 phase, 220 V, 1/2 HP, 2800 rpm, length: 60 cm, width: 40 cm, height: 77 cm, weight: 36 kg, capacity: 150 pieces / hour. Keywords: cutter, coconut.Sri Ngapiyatun2018-01-01bulan meliputi persiapan alat dan bahan, pembuatan dan aplikasi pestisida nabati serta pengambilan data. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap yang terdiri 6 perlakuan yaitu kontrol, biji sirsak, daun sirsak, serai, biji lada, dan tembakau yang diulang sebanyak 3 kali.
Daun dicelupkan ke dalam pestisida sesuai dengan perlakuan kemudian daun diaplikasikan ke ulat selama 7 hari dengan cara daun dan ulat di masukkan ke dalam toples yang ditutup dengan kain kasa. Parameter yang diamati yaitu, aktifitas ulat, hari keberapa ulat mati, dan palatabilitas ulat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pestisida nabati terbaik yang dapat menurunkan palatabilitas ulat api adalah perlakuan ekstrak tembakau yaitu mencapai 100%, dimana ulat tidak mau memakan daun aplikasi dan ulat mati pada hari ke-1 setelah aplikasi.
Kata Kunci: Pestisida Nabati; Palatabilitas; Ulat Api; Kelapa Sawit.Sari, Riris Duma2011-01-01An investigation of the utilization of oil palm empty fruit bunch ash to reduce the content of oil/grease, BOD and COD from oil mill effluent. Samples of palm oil mill effluent from wastewater treatment plant of PT Nusantara IV (Persero) oil processing unit sopsa of Padang Lawas district. Samples taken from the last pond will be discharged into the environment. Empty Fruit of Oil Palm Ash taken from the kitchen burning empty fruit bunches PT Nusantara IVB (Persero) units Sosa of Padang Law.Sitohang, Adolf Paskaris2016-01-01Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana proses produksi usaha serat kelapa, untuk menganalisis usaha serat kelapa (coco fiber) di Kecamatan Batang Kuis sudah layak atau tidak, untuk menjelaskan strategi pengembangan yang cocok untuk usaha serat kelapa (coco fiber) di Kecamatan Batang Kuis.
Penentuan daerah penelitian dilakukan secara secara purposive (sengaja) dan metode pengambilan sampel adalah purposive sampling dengan pertimbangan bahwa responden/sampel penelitian adalah.Toto Saktioto2018-04-01Full Text Available Productivity of palm tree grown are generally measured in months periods, but in a shorter time scale is particularly less measured by the plant maintenance of palm tree. Consideration of the general productivity in time is how to produce good fruit fertilizer (chemical aspect, healthy plants, fast growing and evolving (agricultural aspect and genetic type of palm that grows (biological aspect. However, the growth and production on the physical aspect is still less attention. Through physical treatment, the growth of palm tree can be optimized, as it has been proven in advanced countries on the plant Aloe Vera, Avocado and Pine trees. This paper proposes a treatment of direct current voltage to palm tree that can accelerate the flow of ions to grow and develop nutrients with the increment of geometry and sturcture of leaf and midrib.
The palm tree samples are aged 1 to 5 years corresponding to the provision of various current voltage. Identification of samples before and after treatment by electricity determined is based on the geometry of leaves and midrib and ions effect. This identification can support the productivity of palm trees.Rosmiati Rosmiati; Mustafid Mustafid; Ibnu Widiyanto2016-01-01Palm oil plantations is one of the sub-sectors of agriculture crops in Indonesia, which is the main source of food and economic growth. The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) into a model of performance measurement system that can provide a solution within the framework of an integrated performance measurement using financial and non financial aspects.
This study aims to develop information systems to measure the performance of oil palm plantations using the Balanced Scorecard method. Measurement of pe.Y Yuwana2018-03-01Full Text Available Biomassa originated from palm oil plant is potential to be processed into various industrial products.
In the production line this material needs to dry into certain level of moisture content, mostly about 10% (wet basis and commonly called as dry material. It is advantageous if the dryng time to produce a dry material can be predicted. Prediction is usually approached by setting up drying model of the material.
The most common drying model in formulated in the form of moisture ratio in function of drying time in which the moisture content is calculated in dry basis. On the other, in practice, the moisture content of material is expressed in wet basis. The objectives of this research were to determine the drying curves and to predict the drying times of palm oil empty fruit bunches, stem and fiber dried from solar dying and oven drying. Three series of experiments were carried out according to the types of materials. The results of the experiments revealed as follows.
The curves produced by the solar energy dryer operating at drying temperatures ranged from 42oC to 54,5oC for both empty fruit bunches and stem were quadratic whereas the curves produced by the oven having temperature of 105 oC for stem and fiber were linear and quadratic respectively. The form of curves obtained from the relationships between materials moisture contents determined in wet basis and drying times were similar to the curves of materials moisture ratios in function of drying times. The drying times of the solar energy drying for the empty fruit bunches were 20 hours dan 19.3 hours for Dura variety and Tenera variety respectively while those of stems were 16.3 hours and 17.9 hours respectively for Dura variety and Tenera variety. The drying times of the oven drying for the stems were 7.1 hours, 6.9 hours and 5.0 hours respectively for the lower, middle and upper parts of the stems.Lubis, Jeni2015-01-01The composting of an Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) by mixing it with activated organic fertilizer (AOF) was an alternative in the utilization of solid waste produced from the palm oil mill. This research was to study the composting technique for EFB and to collect the degration data during composting of EFB with turning frequency in order to get a high quality compost.
The composting process was started with cutting the TKKS into 1-3 cm in size before it was put into 'Takakura' ba.Erwinda Erwinda2017-03-01Full Text Available Collembola is one of the dominant microarthopods in almost all soils types. They have important function in food webs soil ecosystem. This research was done at Cikasungka oil palm plantation for six months (April until September 2014. The aim of the research was to collect the information of diversity abundance and population fluctuations of Collembola, and their linkages between environmental factors.
Collembolans were collected based on four points of soil sample from five trees of oil palm which has similar criteria. Distance of 0, 120, 240 cm from the trees, and compost lane were used to collect the samples. Results showed 37 species from 10.438 individuals with a density of 544 individu/m2. The species belongs to 4 orders and 13 families. Result also showed that are fluctuations in the abundance at the sample sites.
The highest abundance of Collembolans was found in base tree zone (920 individu/m2 and compost lane (763 individu/m2. During six months, total populations of Isotomid sp. 5 (Isotomidae was higher than the others species of Collembolans. Based on the correlation analysis, various species of Collembolans are positively correlated with rainfall and soil pH., Maswadi2012-01-01Crude Palm Oil (CPO) is a strategic commodity in the economy ofIndonesia.
CPO industry also plays an important role in the internationalmarket. The rate of growth of production of CPO is the highest among thecategories of oil consumed. Even a CPO has predicted will pass trade oilfor soybeans at most in the world market be trading.The current Government had new instruments in international tradeactivities, i.e. The export levy of dilegalisasi on September 10, 2005 withthe publication of legisl.Heriyanto Heriyanto2016-12-01Full Text Available This research generally aims to analyze the behavior of food consumption source of carbohydrate, specifically, this study aims to analyze the dominant factor and analyze the response of food consumption expenditure dominant source of carbohydrate for factors that influence it. To answer this research purpose built models Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS were analyzed by methods Seemingly Unreleated Regression (SUR. Food commodities sources of carbohydrates are included in the model to include five commodities (commodity groups, include: rice, yam, noodles, cassava and potatoes.
The results showed that the higher the income level, the proportion of food expenditure of commodities as rice, yam, noodles, cassava, and potatoes tend to increase. Meanwhile, the higher the mother's education the more domestic rice consumption, while consumption of yam noodles, cassava and potatoes tend to decline. The analysis showed that the price elasticity of its own for the entire commodity observed negative sign except cassava and yams and potatoes only the value of elasticity is greater than one. This indicates that the commodity consumption expenditures yams and potatoes are responsive to changes in its price. Similarly, the cross-price elasticities show the value of elasticity (in absolute value with cassava yams and potatoes is greater than one, means commodity consumption expenditures yams are responsive to changes in prices of other commodities. Meanwhile, the income elasticity shows two commodities that have an income elasticity greater than one, which is the income elasticity for commodities noodles, and cassava.
From these findings it can be stated that the policies related to revenue-raising efforts should be made to boost household consumption, especially consumption of palm oil farmers noodles and cassava, while the price control policy needs to be done to increase the consumption of yams.Agus Susanto2014-08-01Full Text Available Leaf spot disease of oil palm caused by Curvularia sp. Is the major disease in nursery.
Implementation of best nursery practices is the key to prevent it. Generally, fungicides are used only if epidemic of leaf spot diseases occur in the field. The objectives of this research were to determine causal agent of leaf spot disease of oil palm and the potential alternative weed host around the nursery, to select suitable fungicides, and to study the effect of fungicides rotation to disease incidence.
The results showed that the causal agent of leaf spot disease of oil palm was Curvularia lunata. The fungus was also found on grasses, Cyperus rotundus and Imperata cylindrica. Difeconazol, copper oxide, and propineb suppressed leaf spot disease in nursery.
Application of fungicide by rotation between difeconazol and copper oxide with frequency every 10 days suppressed the development of leaf spot disease of oil palm in the nursery.Bahrin, Bahrin; Ardilla, Desi; Taufik, Muhammad2015-01-01Abstract The porpuse of research was to knew influence and the heat of combustion palm oil briquette with added additive substance. The work principle of research included foreword working was preparations raw material (Oil palm eggshell) and additive substance (rice husk, bagasse, shell of coconut).Raw materials of palm oil was burning in the vurnace at temperature 400 0C for four o’clock and refined at the measure of 1 mm and so also above additive substance was refined a.F. Agustin2010-04-01Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine the effective Cr (chromium level for Ganoderma lucidum growth in solid state fermentation of oil palm by-product. Treatments were combination of Cr level (0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 25000, and 3000 ppm and fermentation time (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks. The treatments were allocated in a factorial 7x5 of complete randomized design with four replications.
Inoculant of G. Lucidum was grown in potato dextrosa agar (PDA medium for 10 days and then innoculated to substrate which have been autoclaved and mixed with CrCl3.6H2O. The moisture of substrate was maintained at 65%. Growth media of G. Lucidum was diluted with aquades and the supernatant was analysed for its Cr content. The result showed that the addition of Cr up to 3000 ppm into the medium stimulated the G. Lucidum growth in all experimental condition.
The Cr ions were incorporated into the media and G. Lucidum cells during fermentation. Incorporation of chromium by G. Lucidum was higher in oil palm by-product substrate with 3000 ppm Cr than the others. It is concluded that Cr can be incorporated into the G.
Lucidum cells during fermentation. The effective level of Cr for G. Lucidum growth was 3000 ppm with efficiency of Cr incorporation 68.23% in 8 weeks fermentation and chromium in protein of fermentation product was 12.01%.Muhammad Raju2016-10-01Full Text Available Empty fruit bunch (EFB and shell of oil palm are potential sources of bioenergy because they contain lignocellulose (cellulose, hemycellulose and lignin which can be converted to bio-oil (liquid, char, or combustible gases by pyrolysis process.
Operating temperature of the pyrolysis process will influence the composition of the liquid, char and gases, as well as its characteristics. The objective of this study is to characterize the pyrolysis product of both empty fruit bunch and shell as affected by the pyrolysis temperature. The experiment was conducted by using a lab scale pyrolysis reactor, specially designed with controlable temperature. The temperature of the pyrolysis process was controled at 300°C, 400°C, 500°C, and 600°C level, and the product was measured and analysed.
The result showed that pyrolysis of shell produced char, liquid and gases at the range of 34.99 - 63.78%, 22.76 - 43.28% and 13.47 - 21.73%, in mass fraction respectively. While pyrolysis of empty fruit bunch produced char, liquid and gases at the range of 30.66 - 64.7%, 16.25 - 29.16% and 18.98 - 44.49%, in mass fraction respectively.
Budidaya Tanaman Tomat
Increasing temperature resulted in increasing calorific value of the pyrolysis char from shell and empty fruit bunch in range of 25.64 – 29.60 kJ/g and 24.50 – 27.86 kJ/g, respectively. However, the calorific value of pyrolysis gases was decreasing with the increasing temperature in range of 12.18 kJ/g – 20.05 kJ/g and 11.98 kJ/g – 15.94 kJ/g, respectively. The gas calorific value did not account H2 gas, which might be the cause of the phenomenon. Shell pyrolysis temperature increasing caused the increasing of CO concentration in range 2.86% - 18.42% while the CH4 concentration increased at 400°C level afterwards decreased at higher temperature level in range of 0.89% - 2.84%. The increasing of EFB pyrolysis temperature increased CO dan CH4 concentration in range 3.8% - 15.74% and 0.29% - 0.76%, respectively.Syarif Hidayat2012-01-01Full Text Available The actors in the palm oil supply chain industry are the farmers, traders, crude palm oil (CPO factories, frying-oil factories (refineries, distributors and the consumers. The farmers sell fresh fruit bunches (FFB to the CPO factories through traders.
FFB is converted into CPO which is later sold to the refineries. Refineries convert CPO into frying oil which is sold to the consumers through the distributors. There are risks due to product quality consistency, price fluctuation and supply chain continuity. This study has two objectives: (1 to develop a model to identify, evaluate and rank the risks, (2 to develop a model to identify and rank the strategies in improving their added value. Data for this study was obtained through direct interviews and questionnaires. The respondents were selected experts and industry players. The data were processed using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP models.
The first FAHP model showed that the two most important risks were the supply chain continuity and product quality. The second FAHP model showed that the recommended strategies to improve the added values of the actors were the improvement of the infrastructure/cluster development, followed by the usage of superior seeds and cultivation techniques.Siregar, Robbin Gafur2011-01-01Robbin gafur siregar, Study of Spreading of Oryctes rhinoceros beetle on Palm Oil Plantations, with the conseling prof. Darma Bakti and Ir. Spreading of Oryctes rhinoceros is influenced by environment factor. Research aimed to know the spreading of Oryctes rhinoceros on palm oil.This research was held in Afdeling VII, Kebun Rambutan PTPN III Tebing Tinggi, since Juli to September 2010.
The research by using Linier regration to find spreading influence with environment fa.Sejahtra, Ahmad2011-01-01Ahmad Sejahtra, 'BIOLOGY SHOOT BORERS BEETLE PEST OF COCONUT PALM (Oryctes rhinoceros L.) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) AT KASSA HOUSE', Under supervised by Ms Marheni and Ms Fatima Zahara. This study aims to determine biological pest of oil palm bud weevil (Oryctes rhinoceros L.) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) at home kassa. The experiment was conducted on people's plantations in PERUMNAS Simalingkar starting from September 2010 until April 2011. Research using observational methods for this resear.H, Afriani; Idris, Nahri; F, Fatati2014-01-01The survey method was used to conduct this study through 180 cow farmers in three Regencies (merangin, Muaro Jambi and West tanjung Jabung) in Jambi Province. Samples of farmer were choised as the Simple Random sampling. Results of this study showed that farmer interest to rare cows within palm oil plantatition area in Jambi Province looked high with the interest value of 82.24% and the motivation of farmer to grow cow was medium with the value of 77.56%.
Budidaya Tanaman Cabai
The analysis of multiple linear reg.H, Afriani; Idris, Nahri; F, Fatati2014-01-01The survey method was used to conduct this study through 180 cow farmers in three Regencies (merangin, Muaro Jambi and West tanjung Jabung) in Jambi Province. Samples of farmer were choised as the Simple Random sampling. Results of this study showed that farmer interest to rare cows within palm oil plantatition area in Jambi Province looked high with the interest value of 82.24% and the motivation of farmer to grow cow was medium with the value of 77.56%. The analysis of multiple linear regr.Hari Purnomo2014-04-01Full Text Available Indonesia sebagai Negara yang beriklim tropis memiliki areal perkebunan kelapa luas yang menghasilkan buah, daun dan kayu serta limbah. Limbah sabut kelapa seringkali diabaikan dan tidak dimanfaatkan dengan baik oleh masyarakat. Daging buah adalah komponen utama buah kelapa, sedangkan sabut, tempurung, dan air buah merupakan hasil samping.
Sebagian besar petani hanya membuang sabut kelapa atau memanfaatkan untuk kerajinan seperti sapu, keset dan tali tambang. Sabut kelapa jarang dimanfaatkan menjadi produk dengan sentuhan teknologi yang bernilai jual tinggi. Penelitian ini merupakan pemanfaatan limbah serat sabut kelapa dijadikan produk tas kantor wanita dengan teknologi komposit. Lembaran sabut kelapa (leskap dengan teknologi komposit dilakukan dengan penggabungan serat sabut kelapa dengan karet alam yang di pres selama 30 menit dengan suhu 100oc. Desain tas dibuat beberapa alternatif yang selanjutnya dilakukan seleksi konsep dan dilakukan penilaian konsep dengan scoring.
Hasil seleksi konsep didapat: (a Konsep desain 5 dijadikan sebagai desain A; (b Konsep desain 8 dijadikan sebagai desain B; (c Konsep desain 10 dijadikan sebagai desain C; (d Konsep desain 3, 6, 7 digabung yang dijadikan desain D. Sedangkan konsep desain 1,2,4 dan 9 tidak diikutkan dalam penilaian konsep.
Berdasarkan scoring terpilih konsep desain D dengan nilai 3,0.Mohammad Su’i2012-05-01Full Text Available This research was aimed to study hydrolysis conditions of houstorium lipases enzyme using coconut oil as substrate. Hydrolysis conditions studied were substrate (coconut oil concentration, enzyme substrate ratio, duration of hydro- lysis and effect of stirring to hydrolysis. The results show that lipase of coconut houstorium may be optimally used at a coconut oil concentration of 10%, enzyme to substrate ratio of 3: 10 (v/v and hydrolysis for 60 minutes with stirring. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mempelajari kondisi hidrolisis minyak kelapa yang optimum menggunakan enzim lipase dari kentos kelapa.
Kondisi hidrolisis yang dipelajari meliputi konsentrasi substrat optium, perbandingan enzim: substrat dan lama hidrolisis yang optimum serta pengaruh pengadukan selama hidrolisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, hidrolisis minyak kelapa menggunakan enzim lipase kentos kelapa menghasilkan asam lemak bebas paling banyak pada kon- sentrasi substrat (minyak kelapa 10%, perbandingan enzim: substrat yaitu 3: 10 (v/v, lama hidroloisa 60 menit dan dilakukan pengadukan selama hidrolisis.Tirtana, Andang2012-01-01The objective of this research knowing peat land exploiting as media grow and phosphate palm oil seed in Main Nursery. This research executed at green house Faculty of Agriculture North Sumatra of University, Medan started in February 2004 up to May 2004 The research uses the Factorials Group Random Sampling, with two treatment factors.Tambunan, Sri Wahyuni2013-01-01This research aims to compost give effect empty palm bunch studies and fertilizer SP-36 to improve chemistry characteristic, growing and rice production (Oryza sativa L.) in acidic sulfate soil. This research was conducted in greenhouse agricultural departments, universities northern Sumatra, Medan. This study used a randomized block design (RAK) factorial, with 2 factors: factor 1: compost TKS treatment factor (B) are: B0 = 0 ton ha-1 (0 g TKS/pot); B1 = 10 ton ha-1 (40 g TKS/pot); B2 = 20.Roni Kurniawan2012-06-01Full Text Available Every decision made by top management determines the company objection.
One tool that can assist a company’s management in decision making is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP system. It provides any information needed by the end users. So, this system can provide supports to all staffs in operation, managers inthe middle level and top executives in the top level management. The information provided by this system can help the end users to do their functions within company properly. PT Ciliandra Perkasa as an agribusiness company needs information system support for its operational. This support will help company to get morecompetitive in oil palm agribusiness in Indonesia.
This research implements quantitative method using primary data and secondary data sampling.Zahara, Fitri; ', wawan; ', Wardati2015-01-01The objectives of this research to determine the soil biological properties on the acidic mineral soil Dystrudepts in the area of disc palm oil applied of organic mulch Mucuna bracteata in the experimental garden of Agriculture Faculty, Riau University. Analysis of the soil biological was conducted in the Soil Laboratory of Agriculture Faculty, Riau University, in October 2014 to February 2015. Application of mulch organic M.
Bracteata used purposive random sampling method which consisting of.Simanjuntak, Depi Fitri2010-01-01Have been do observation to treatment of water domestic boiler with additional material of chemistry that is: H2SO4 98% in tank cation and NaOH in tank anion. From result of observation, so geted, pH value, Total Dissolved Solid (TDS), Phenolphtalein Alkalinity, Methyl Alkalinity, Total Alkalinity, Sulfite, Chloride, Total Hardness, Hardness, has appropriate with prerequirement water of boiler wich used in PTPN III RAMBUTAN TEBING TINGGI. 072409006.Sihotang, Allen Rianto2014-01-01Methyl esters are generally synthesized through transesterification with mild alcohol to using conventional alkaline catalysts are NaOH, KOH, and others. So by using coconut husk ash as a catalyst can be an alternative to conventional catalysts are very expensive. In the manufacture of methyl ester in this study is using two-stage reaction such as, esterification reaction with a strong acid catalyst (H2SO4) to reduce free fatty acids and transesterification with methanol which variated the am.M.
Gasali M2015-12-01Design Handle Wheelbarrow to Reduce Musculoskeletal Complaints Method Using Quality Function Deployment (QFD in Oil Palm Plantation Bagan Jaya District, Indragiri Hilir, Riau Abstract. Wheelbarrow is one means of conveyance of material, namely a wheelbarrow, wheelbarrow initially a conveyance which is very useful for people who transport activity plantation crops or also goods buildings, etc., when seen from the definition wheelbarrow is a means of transport that is driven by hand, has 1 piece wheels, and driven by an operator through the handle. In line with this has been a lot of developments done on the system and methods of support to facilitate all those activities. One of these tools is the wheelbarrow transport meterial (wheelbarrow.
Handcart or wheelbarrow to haul awalnyamerupakan a very useful tool for people to do activities or also the transportation of farm goods and other buildings, performed percentile calculation result obtained by rounding length of 29.02 cm to 30 cm. So long hendle ergonomic design based anthropometric oil palm plantation workers is 30 cm, calculated from the point of welding, wheelbarrow hendle diameter of 3.03 cm, and width hendle 9, 04 cm with rounding to 9 cm. Results of the study after the redesign Wheelbarrow based Quality Function Deployment (QFD is to have the aspects of quality, ergonomics complete that is effective, convenient, safe, healthy, and efficient (ENASE. Musculoskeletal complaints plantation employees decreased by 31.79%.Maya Safira Dewi2014-11-01Full Text Available The purpose of this study is to determine the expansion and intensification of the taxpayer and its effects on the revenue of Personal Income of Pratama Tax Office Duren Sawit Jakarta. Besides, this study aims to find out the obstacles that occur in the implementation of these activities. This study used qualitative method.
Results of the research show that the expansion and intensification of taxpayer in Pratama Tax Office Duren Sawit, Jakarta, did not run optimally although the growth of the taxpayer and the tax revenues increased from 2010 to 2012. However, there was a slight decrease in tax revenues in 2012. Various efforts were made by Pratama Tax Office Duren Sawit Jakarta to maximize the implementation of the extensification and intensification of tax, such as socialization. To overcome problems occur in Pratama Tax Office Duren Sawit Jakarta, research’s suggestion is adding human resources if possible or optimization for effectiveness of the current resource to do outreach of taxpayers and expand cooperation with other parties.Susila Sastri2010-05-01Full Text Available AbstrakMasyarakat akhir-akhir ini cenderung memilih minyak sawit sebagai bahan penggoreng, hal ini mungkin karena harganya lebih murah dan mudah didapat dibandingkan minyak lain. Pemakain MS oleh masyarakat biasanya untuk bahan penggoreng bahan makanan.
Minyak sawit mengandung asam lemak jenuh dan asam lemak tidak jenuh yang hampir seimbang, asam lemak jenuh meningkatkan lemak darah dan asam lemak tidak jenuh dikatakan dapat menurunkan lemak darah. Asam lemak tidak jenuh disisi lain mudah dioksidasi dengan pemanasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat perbedaan pengaruh diet tinggi minyak sawit segar dan jelantah minyak sawit terhadap lemak darah dan TNF-α.Sudah dilakukan pemberian diet tinggi minyak sawit (50% pada tikus Wistar selama 8 minggu secara adlibitum. Pengukuran kadar kolesterol total, HDL-kol dan trigliserida melalui serum darah dengan alat spectrophotometer dan pemeriksaan TNF-α darah dengan cara ELISA.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat peninggian kadar lemak (trigliserida dan kolesterol total dan TNF-α darah bermakna (p.